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装甲战争主战坦克介绍与战场角色分析 各系MBT特点详解

2017-09-05 12:03:24 来源:装甲战争吧 作者:刨冰连长 编辑:倾歌千颜



  In our previous Developer Diaries, we discussed the Spotting System and the changes we are planning to introduce in Update 0.22. Today, we’ll discuss another cornerstone of Armored Warfare – the vehicle classes, their role and the plans we have for their future.

  Armored Warfare has five classes of vehicles:

  Main Battle Tanks (MBT)

  Tank Destroyers (TD)

  Light Tanks (LT)

  Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFV)

  Self-Propelled Guns (SPG)

  Each has a distinctive role on the battlefield that we will look at in detail.





  坦克歼击车 (TD)

  轻型坦克 (LT)

  装甲战斗车辆 (AFV)

  自行火炮 (SPG)


Main Battle Tanks


  Main Battle Tanks are the ultimate evolution of the tank concept that started during the Great War and fully evolved during the Second World War. They are powerful, lumbering beasts that are capable of deciding a battle on their own. Even though the age of massive armored clashes is over, the Main Battle Tanks still have a role on the modern battlefield.



  Main Battle Tanks are the most popular class of Armored Warfare. There are two reasons for that. First, they are versatile and generally accessible to new players. They don’t carry as much firepower as the Tank Destroyers, nor are they as fast as the Light Tank or the AFVs, but they also don’t have any massive drawbacks save for some very specific cases.


  Secondly, they have something most other vehicle classes don’t – thick armor. While other classes can, thanks to their active defenses and various upgrades, become quite resistant to certain type of shells, only the Main Battle Tanks consistently offer protection against practically all threats on the battlefield. Experienced players can use other, more specialized, classes to their maximum effect, but this versatility allows even new players to keep up.


  The MBT class is perhaps the most diverse class in the entire game. It includes a wide variety of vehicles that range from very light members of the class whose mobility is only slightly worse than that of the AFVs and LTs (at the expense of armor that is inferior to their heavier counterparts) to massive lumbering behemoths that may be the slowest tanks in the game, but that can also shrug off almost any impact and only careful aiming at their weakspots or a risky flanking maneuver can damage them or knock them out. There are a few things they all have in common:


  · Firepower inferior to Tank Destroyers


  · Gun stabilization inferior to Light Tanks and Tank Destroyers


  · Mobility inferior to Light Tanks and Armored Fighting Vehicles


  · Poor camouflage rating


  When it comes to the stabilization parameter, what this means is that both the Light Tanks and the Tank Destroyers can fire more accurately on the move. While this may be a bit counterintuitive (in real life, the Main Battle Tanks have very advanced gun stabilization systems), it allows the other classes to find their roles on the battlefield without having the MBTs be simply the best in every single role – after all, in real life, vehicle cost plays a significant role in any tactical considerations while in the game it does not.


  The last point is especially important – Main Battle Tanks are large, noisy and conspicuous. They don’t hide very well even behind multiple camouflage-providing bushes and will always be outmatched by other classes in this respect. They also become the primary targets on the battlefield as they generally can easily break enemy lines or lead the charges of lighter vehicles, acting as both inspiration and shield.


  This last statement does, however, not count for all the vehicles of this class. Therefore, it’s worth looking at the various groups that are, for easier reference, divided by their country of origin.



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