T-62和M48不会再1.49加入, 我们有可能在1.49加入豹1, 而M60我可以确认加入。。
这句话有点问题,毛子原话应该确认了 T-62和M48在1.49不出,然后确认了M60,却没有说到底1.49出不出,豹1则是很有可能会在更新里出,但是毛子没法肯定,只能这么理解
How do you calculate how much horsepower should filter, engine and transmission increase?
你们怎么计算 坦克里 过滤器 ,引擎 和传动升级带来的变化?
It will be soon displayed in tooltip, similar to what you can see when installing aircraft modules。
My tank explodes sometimes only after very slight damage to its fuel tanks。 It seems unreal to me, are you planning some changes in this matter?
Yes, we will review the current state and rework it。 Fires will be more frequent and explosions less frequent。
For tanks with a pintle mounted machine gun, will we ever see a model for the machine gun operator, or will the gun continue to move on its own?
I can't answer that question at this moment。 It requires lot of work and introduces many issues。 I have to admit though, that current state doesn't look natural。
我现在还不能回答这个问题。这需要大量的工作,会引入大量的伏特加。不过我必须承认现在的这个状态看起来一点也不正常毛子给一堆海航屌丝喷气大元帅 还不加喷气炸逼
I've been wondering why I see ammo racks on tanks turn solid black, yet not exploding。
When ammo rack module changes its colour to black, it doesn't necessarily mean it will explode with 100% certainty, it means they're destroyed。 It is possible that in the future in case of such event happening, it will proportionally decrease the amount of available shells for your tank。
当一个弹药架变成黑色,并不代表它百分之百会爆炸,只代表它被摧毁了。 有可能在以后这样的事情发生后会适当减少你可用的炮弹
When can we expect to see some refinements on hit box models, there are many tanks that have incorrectly aligned surfaces with bad angles, it affects curves surfaces the most。
We will try to fix this specific issue in patch 1.49。