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战争雷霆1.49新增载具 英系海航美系TD为主
2015-03-21 17:51:35 | 作者:永远_Gamer | 来源:战争雷霆吧 | 我要投稿




  There have been rumours about the Italian aircraft tree in the works。 How many aircraft can we expect in the tech tree; will we be able to see it soon?


  Yes, we are working on a standalone Italian aircraft tree。 是的我们正在开发独立的意大利空军科技树

  It's still quite soon to be more specific, but in the end we plan for it to be somewhat comparable to the Japanese tree regarding the number of aircraft。 现在还没法具体的说明,但是目前到计划最后我们应该会有和日本科技树差不多数量的飞机

  It's an immense amount of work and still far from being complete, but we plan to announce it officially and share some more information with you in the coming months。


  There were no new British aircraft in patch 1。47, why? Do you plan to rectify it in one of the next major updates?


  Yes, definitely。 是的当然

  We plan to add a whole new branch to the British tree - the naval Fleet Air Arm line。 我们正在准备加入整个全新的FAA线(英国海航)到游戏中

  It will consist of roughly 10 additional aircraft distributed evenly through all Ranks, from naval biplanes to jets。将会有大约10架新的飞机,从I-V级,从海军水上机到喷气

  We still can't confirm it, but we're working hard so it can be added in the 1.49 update。



  What about the Sea Meteor, will it move to the newly added branch?


  No, Sea Meteor will stay in its current place, FAA branch will have own jets。


  What's the plans for the British after the naval line?


  Updating early Spitfires, Hurricanes and also paying some attention to the bomber line。


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