但是苏系高等级TD可能性要大一点,毕竟现在完全是空的,网上mod 1962的内容不是很多。
T-62A (Ob'yekt 165) – Predecessor of T-62. It was essentially a stretched T-55 chassis with a 2245 mm turret ring, a new suspension, and an Ob'yekt 140 turret modernized with the addition of a spent-cartridge ejector; armed with the 100 mm D-54TS (also sometimes called U-8TS) tank gun equipped with the "Kometa" two-plane stabilizer. Only 5 entered service.
T-62A, 165工程,扩展版T-55的底盘,2245毫米的炮塔座圈(不过貌似就是这个厚度,不过就是那一圈的东西吧...),新的悬挂系统,140工程的炮塔的现代化版本,带有抛蛋器,100mm 的D-54TS炮(U-8TS) ,有双平面垂稳,只有5量服务一了
T-62 Obr.1960 (Ob'yekt 166) – Original production model equipped with the 115 mm U-5TS "Molot" (2A20) Rapira smoothbore tank gun with a "Meteor" two-plane stabilizer. It has a TKN-3 commander's day/night sight, TSh-2B-41 gunner day sight with 3.5/7x magnification and TPN1–41–11 night sight. It carries 40 rounds for the main gun and 2500 rounds for the PKT coaxial general-purpose machine gun. The V-55V engine produces 581 hp (433 kW). It has a commander's cupola welded to turret.[9][22]
T62 mod.1960,166工程,最早装备的是115mm U-5TS 滑膛炮, 引擎功率为581 hp,
以上两个是T-62 1962年左右的版本,后面的就要晚很多了,所以不清楚官方具体指哪个
谷歌出来的 mod.1962全是模型....