《装甲战争》近期曝光了剧情第一季的最终奖励是一辆限定车M1 Abrams AGDS,只能通过剧情活动获取,下面一起来看看这辆车的介绍吧。
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We are proud to announce an ultimate Storyline Campaign Season 1 reward.
Players who complete all the episodes in the event will – amongst other things – obtain an Abrams AGDS!
那些完成了所有章节的玩家将会获得一辆独特的车——M1 Abrams AGDS!
Please note that this is an exclusive vehicle that will not be sold or given out via any other means than the Storyline Campaign.
The Abrams AGDS is a vehicle proposal, drafted in July 1996 by Dr. Asher H. Sharoni (a former colonel in the Israeli Defense Forces) and Lawrence D. Bacon from a Californian company called Western Design Howden, a small military contractor for the American Department of Defense, specializing in weapon system development. The company still exists in a sense, but in 2004 it was renamed Meggitt Western Design, sold to the Meggitt PLC group and subsequently merged with its other subsidiaries.
M1 AGDS,是1996年7月由Asher H. Sharoni博士(以色列国防军前上校),和来自加利福尼亚州的一家名叫Western Design Howden公司的劳伦斯·培根(Lawrence D. Bacon)起草的车辆建议。该公司是美国国防部的一家小型军事承包商,专门从事武器系统开发。该公司仍然在某种意义上存在,但在2004年,它更名为Meggitt Western Design,出售给了Meggitt PLC集团,随后与其它子公司合并。
The main reason for the Abrams AGDS proposal was the military situation of the U.S. Army that, like the rest of the world, started to face enemies with improved technological capabilities. These included especially the following threats:
M1 AGDS的提出主要是出于当时美军的状况。就像世界其它地区一样,大家都将要面对科技水平提升后的敌人。其中尤其是以下威胁:
Tactical aircraft (attack planes, fighters in ground attack configuration)
Infantry and light vehicles armed with guided missiles
Large volumes of IFVs, proliferating from the former Soviet Union during the "fire sale" era of the Russian military when almost anything was available for the right price
The U.S. Army didn't have much to counter some of these threats, at least not in a universal form. Ever since the 1960s, the Americans had used a combination of the famous M163 Vulcan AA vehicle (equipped with the eponymous 20mm rotary cannon) and the MIM-72 Chaparral missile carrier, armed with a ground version of the famous Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.
美军并没有足够的能力来应对这些威胁,至少不是以如此大规模的形态。 自20世纪60年代以来,美军一直使用著名的M163“火神”防空车(配备同名的20mm加特林机炮)搭配MIM-72“小檞树”防空导弹车(装备了著名的“响尾蛇”导弹的地对空版)。
This solution had numerous major problems. The Vulcan had quick reaction times and could take out a helicopter easily, but its range was extremely short, about a third of the range of the anti-tank missiles the Soviet Mi-24 Hind used. Additionally, it only had short-range radar because it would be pointless to install a bigger one on a weapon system that only had a maximum range of 1200 meters.
The Chaparral system could engage helicopters at longer distances and had powerful radar, but it took much longer to bring it to bear – time during which the helicopter could pop out of cover, fire a missile and hide again. Additionally, the Chaparral did not have any armor to speak of and was completely defenseless during ground attacks.
The solution was supposed to be a new, division-level AA system (the program was called DIVAD for Division Air Defense). Several solutions were considered (including quite outrageous ones such as arming a Patton chassis with a giant 30mm GAU-8 Avenger rotary cannon, normally used on the A-10 Thunderbolt II attack plane), but the most promising was the 1978 M247 Sergeant York by Ford Aerospace, essentially a M48 chassis armed with two Bofors 40mm cannons in a new turret. The M247 proved to be a disaster – it was horribly unreliable, inaccurate, and poor at engaging targets. By the end of its six-year-long development phase, in 1984, it was also obsolete as the new Soviet missiles outranged its 40mm cannons. Despite the fact that these issues were known very early on, the project was kept alive until 1985 simply because there was nothing else to replace it with. It was only cancelled in August 1985 after 50 or so of these unreliable monstrosities had been produced, leaving the U.S. Army with nothing except the obsolete Vulcan-Chaparral combo.
这个解决方案是一个新的师级防空系统(该项目被称为DIVAD)。美国人曾经考虑过几个解决方案(包括非常荒谬的方案,如使用巴顿坦克的底盘,搭载A-10攻击机使用的巨型30mm GAU-8“复仇者”加特林机炮),但最有希望的是1978年由福特航天公司设计的M247“约克中士”——它基本上是使用一辆M48底盘,在新炮塔中配备了两门“博福斯”40mm机炮。但M247的设计最后被证明是一场灾难——非常糟糕的可靠性、非常差的精准度,以及与目标交战几乎毫无还手之力。1984年,在其长达六年的研发结束时,新的苏联导弹性能已经完全超过了老旧的40mm。尽管美国人早就知道这些问题,但直到1985年之前这个项目一直存在(因为没有其它替代品)。在生产了50台左右之后,M247于1985年8月被取消,留给美军的选择只有过时的“火神-小檞树”组合。
In 1987, another AA system appeared – the ADATS (Air Defense Anti-Tank System) by Oerlikon-Contraves, consisting of a massive missile launcher capable of engaging both ground and air targets. The system was effective but extremely expensive and the project was not accepted into service due to budget constraints (with a small number of vehicles serving in Canada from 1989).
1987年,另一种新的防空系统出现——由欧瑞康·特拉伟斯公司研发的ADATS(Air Defense Anti-Tank System,防空反坦克系统),其中包括能够打击地面和空中目标的大型导弹发射器。 这套系统有效但价格非常昂贵,并且由于预算限制该项目没有通过(有一小批车辆自1989年开始在加拿大服役)。
Finally, the U.S. Army settled on the Avenger system for its close-range anti-air needs (a block of FIM-92 Stinger missiles installed on a Humvee chassis), produced from 1987 and officially entering service in 1990.