激战2 全职业改版细节一览

2014-04-11 11:47:17 来源:互联网 作者:未知 编辑:天浩君


   Increased Poison duration from 2s to 4s.(从2秒延长至4秒)

   Increased Life force gain from 4 to 6.(获得的生命能量从4增加至6)

   Reduced the maximum amount of boons converted to 5.(减少最大可转化的boons至5个)

   Normalized the amount of protection gained to 7s for allies. Replaced the Vulnerability with a 1s fear when enemies try to cross the wall. Added 4% life force gain on hit.(我方可获得的变为7秒,穿越此墙的敌人从获得变为,并且每击中一次就获得4%的生命能量)

   Added an unblockable skill fact.(此技能变为不可格档)

   This ability now breaks stuns. Added 1s of stability. Cooldown reduced to 50 seconds.(此技能现在有breaks stuns,增加一秒的。CD减少至50秒)

   Reduced cooldown to 40 seconds.(CD减少至40秒)

   Reduced cooldown to 50 seconds.(CD减少至50秒)

   Reduced cooldown to 35 seconds.(CD减少至35秒)

   This ability now removes 1 boon from each target hit.(此技能现在能对每一个击中的目标减少一个boon)

   Reduced the recharge to 60s.(CD减少至60秒)

   Now applies 2 stacks of bleeding for 10s, blind for 5s, Cripple for 10s, Poison for 10s, 5 stacks of vulnerability for 10s, and weakness for 10s. Recharge reduced to 60s.(现在启动时会造成10秒,5秒,10秒,10秒,5叠10秒,10秒,CD60秒)

   No longer removes the Spectral Armor buff.(不会再移除的buff)

   No longer removes the Spectral Walk buff.(不会再移除的buff)

   Increased cast time to 3s.(延长施放时间至3秒)

   Increased the radius to 210. Increased animation size to better reflect it’s attack area.(增加作用半径至210,修正动画来符合作用区域)

   This ability can now be cast while moving.(此技能现在可以移动施放)

   This ability is now instant.(此技能现在为瞬发)

   Increased projectile velocity by 10%.(增加10%飞行速度)

   This skill now consumes Torment.(此技能现在可消耗Torment)

   This ability will now transfer Blind to enemies it strikes, instead of missing.(此技能现在可以转化给敌人而不是missing)

   Increased projectile velocity by 30%.(增加30%飞行速度)

   [Under Water] Bleed duration 5s – 6s(从5秒变为6秒)

   [Under Water] Cripple duration 3s – 6 s(从3秒变为6秒)

   [Under Water] Vuln duration 6s – 10s per hit(每一击从6秒变为10秒)

   [Under Water] Duration of feast, 6s – 8s(feast从6秒变为8秒)

   New ability #5 – Dark Binding:You tether all enemies within a 600 range, constantly dealing Torment to them over time. At the end of the cast, Dark Binding immobilizes all affected enemies still within the radius.(DS5:你联系周围半径600的所有敌人,并在施放时间内给他们Torment,当施放结束时,给予仍然处於联系状态的敌人)

 [Under Water] Decreased cast time and reduced aftercast(降低施法时间,以及降低施法动作)

   now regenerate outside of combat.(现在离开战斗可回复血量)

   Increased Life Force gain from 8 to 10.(获得的生命能量从8增加至10)

   Increased Life Force gain from 2/condition to 3/condition.(获得的生命能量从[2/病症数量]变为[3/病症数量])

   Increased Life Force gain from 3 to 4.(获得的生命能量从3增加至4)

   Blind Duration increased to 5s.(增加至5秒)

   Reduced weakness duration to 1 second.(减少至1秒)

   Reduced the duration of weakness when corrupting might to 5 seconds.(减少从转化成的持续时间至5秒)

   Reduced the duration of weakness when corrupting might to 5 seconds.(减少从转化成的持续时间至5秒)

   Reduced weakness duration to 3 seconds.(减少持续时间至3秒)

   Reduced weakness duration to 6 seconds.(减少持续时间至6秒)

   Fixed a bug where the chill duration did not match the tooltip..(修正一个持续时间并没有正确显示的bug)

  Fixed a bug so that it now applies the Vulnerability before the damage. Updated the tooltip to state the correct amount of Vulnerability.(因为修正了一个bug,所以现在这个技能可以在造成伤害前触发)

   This ability now lists the damage it deals to enemy targets.(此技能现在可显示对目标敌人的伤害[需配合特性才有伤害])

   This skill is now unblockable.(此技能现在不可被格档)

Blood Magic

  Dagger Mastery:这个特性现在会使匕首技能冷却时间缩短20%。


  Withering Precision:爆击可对目标造成5秒的,此特性有20秒cd

Death Magic

  Death Shiver:当开启死幕时,从每3秒造成一层虚弱提升至10秒内造成3层虚弱。

  Death Nova:当死亡新星触发时奴仆会造成伤害。

Soul Reaping

  Speed of Shadows:开启死幕时这个特性会提供25%额外移动速度。

  Decaying Swarm:这个特性已被移除。

  Near to Death:这个特性已被移动到大师级特性栏。

  新宗师特性—Deathly Perception(洞察死亡):在开启死幕的状态下获得额外50%暴击几率。


  Signet Power:此特性与Signet Mastery融合。

  Signet Mastery:这个特性现在会使纹章冷却时间缩短20%并在使用纹章时获得3层10秒威能。

  Axe Training:这个特性已被移动至大师级特性栏。



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