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《H1Z1》交易规则修改 买卖装备将被禁止

2015-10-10 11:17:20 来源:h1z1吧 作者:小迷信 编辑:油菜花 



  Hey everyone!

  I wanted to give you all a heads up on some changes in this next patch. We’re making adjustments to the way our crate system works.

  The Mercenary Crate is our latest crate. I’m sure most of you will agree that it’s one of our coolest crate releases yet! I’m not going to go into details but check this link out! See some of the new items here!

  Since the beginning, crates have been an evolving feature in H1Z1, and the Mercenary Crate is one more step in that process. Looking at our own past experiences, talking to the community and taking learning’s from the industry as a whole, we are making a few tweaks to the crate system. In doing so, Mercenary Crate items will only be available to be traded on the Steam Marketplace, meaning you can post them for trade but you will not be able to list them for sale. You will still have the option to sell the unopened crates, including the Mercenary Crate on the Steam Marketplace. This change does not affect previous crates.

  To coincide with the new crate system, we’re introducing the H1Z1 Item Exchange. This is a new way of obtaining rare items by converting others you no longer want. You’ll be able to feed multiple items of the same rarity into the Item Exchange, and in turn create an item of higher rarity. We’ll have a much more detailed explanation of the H1Z1 Item Exchange soon and will address any questions from the community during a livestream on Thursday, Oct. 8 at 11AM on




  Mercenary 是我们最新推出的箱子,我相信绝大部分人都会觉得这个箱子有我们目前推出的最酷的皮肤。

  自从我们发布这个游戏以来,箱子系统已经成为了这个游戏的一部分,Mercenary这个箱子更是箱子系统里重要部分。根据我们以往的经验和从论坛了解的情况,我们会对箱子系统做出一些调整。以后,Mercenary 箱子里面开出来的东西只能在steam market里面交换(不是交易),这意味着你将不能买卖这些物品。但是你仍然可以买卖未打开的箱子。还有,Mercenary 以前的箱子并不受到新的交易政策影响。

  为了适配我们对箱子系统的修改,我们现在正式向大家介绍H1Z1交易系统(H1Z1 Item Exchange)。在这个系统里,你可以把你不想要的东西换成更好的。你可以把拥有相同稀有度的东西组合在一起并且发布到交易系统里,来换取更加稀有的物品。在8号11am,我们会在Twitch上直播更加详细的关于新交易系统的解释和解答论坛上的有关问题。

  提醒几个重点:1.这个交易系统不影响以前箱子开出来的物品 2. 这个系统会随着下一个更新包一起发布


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