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The Harbinger Challenge League
Released alongside Path of Exile's sixth major expansion, The Fall of Oriath, the Harbinger Challenge League augments the new content with challenging encounters and new rewards. Challenge leagues have self-contained economies and provide an opportunity for you to enjoy a fresh start and demonstrate your mastery of Path of Exile. As usual, there are Hardcore and Solo Self-Found variations of this league.
A New Foe
Mysterious Harbingers have appeared throughout Wraeclast. These Harbingers can create and command monsters from the area, and empower them with their own abilities. Harbingers use a language never before heard by the people of Wraeclast. Their true nature remains a mystery to be solved.
The Harbingers
These Harbingers can create and command monsters from the area, and empower them with their own abilities. A Harbinger in the Ledge might summon cannibals and skeletons, and then create explosive storms around them, while dashing rapidly between them leaving trails of fire. Harbingers can't be attacked directly, but are harmed when their minions are destroyed.
Exotic Currency Shards
Harbingers bear shards of currency types that are already familiar to you. Upon death, they also surrender the shards of currency items that have never been seen before. One such currency item, the Orb of Horizons, rerolls a map's type to another map of the same tier.
相信玩家们早已知道先驱者们会掉落通货碎片,包括混沌石碎片,崇高碎片,镜子碎片。。。。同时的也会掉落一些前所未有的通货,比如说Orb of Horizons,重ROLL一个相同T阶的地图。
Harbinger Uniques
If you're able to find the origin of the Harbingers and halt their arrival, you'll find pieces of powerful unique items. Collect all of the pieces of these items and arrange them in your inventory to forge one in its entirety. These powerful unique items allow you to command your own Harbinger that can empower you in combat.
Challenges and Rewards
The Harbinger League includes a set of 40 new challenges. When you complete 12 challenges, you receive the Harbinger Glowing Eyes Effect. At 24, you receive the Harbinger Crown Effect. When you complete your 36th challenge, you receive the Harbinger Character Effect. These microtransactions are exclusively available in the Harbinger League
From the 19th challenge onwards and for every third challenge after that, you receive pieces of a Harbinger Totem Pole decoration to display in your hideout. The Totem Pole permanently showcases how many of the Harbinger challenges you completed during this league.